Actual Statistics from the 1918 "Influenza Epidemic"

Below are actual mortality statistics from the United States Bureau of Economics, Census Division, for the years 1917-1920. These deaths are for all forms of pneumonia and influenza combined. At that time, and even today, pneumonia and influenza statistics are combined because doctors would diagnose the deaths either way.

As you can see from the statistics below, the additional deaths in 1918, which occurred entirely in the last four months of the year, amount to about 350,000--a far cry from president Gerald Ford's threatened "20 million" swine flu deaths, which never happened. Even the current estimate of 1.2 million dead Americans from COVID-19 is several times the number who died in 1918.

A particulary telling statistic is the breakdown of 1918 deaths by age. As you can see from the second table below, two groups: young children and young adults were most heavily affected, in complete controversion to COVID-19 which is thought to kill only the aged. The reason for this is that in 1918 children under 5 years of age and young adults were the most likely groups to be vaccinated. If you read medical books on the affair, they say that the 1918 deaths were caused by a virus which magically affected only the young, but this absurd idea is disproven by the low number of deaths in the 10-14 age bracket. The reason why this age bracket suffered least among the young is simply that they were the least likely to be vaccinated.

Another interesting point concerning these statistics is the low number of deaths in the above 70 age bracket. There are about 24,000 total deaths in this group, which is similar to the number of pneumonia deaths in this age bracket today. What that tells us is that these deaths were genuine pneumonia deaths and that vaccination was rare in this age group. Of course, nowadays, in the current hysteria, since health officials are co-opting pneumonia deaths, this is exactly the group that they are claiming will be most affected.

Year Deaths
------ --------
1917 125,795
1918 477,467
1919 189,326
1920 169,188

------ --------
<5 90,624
5-9 16,195
10-14 12,762
15-19 28,147
20-24 52,569
25-29 69,990
30-34 60,397
35-39 40,291
40-44 22,679
45-49 16,863
50-54 12,698
55-59 10,446
60-64 9,803
65-69 9,334
70-74 8,759
75-79 7,149
80-84 4,944
85-89 2,569
90-94 914
95-99 207